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martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Art: Brandy, bottle and design (I)

Without doubt Brandy can be a piece of art. How can you improve a perfect piece of art? Putting it inside another piece of art, a bottle designed by an artist. Today I present “Conde de Osborne” a very good brandy de Jerez, which is contained inside a bottle designed in 1964 by the international genius Salvador Dalí.

The box also contains a paper with drawings of Salvador Dalí.

2 comentarios:

Teresa L. Soto dijo...

Quite seriously. I love your blog, but I am trying to put on a diet here, you are not helping....

mindchild dijo...

Mujer, quizás sí esoy ayudando. En vez de probar las bebidas y comidas, basta con mirar las fotos y leer los textos :-)

Gracias por los comentarios!