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domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

Mort Subite

"I am sorry, I don't like beer. I have tried (all my life) and still can't understand how people can drink it! It tastes horribly!!!"

No problem! que no cunda el pánico. You need a Mort Subite. I'm not joking. I think that it will be a very good starting point for those who dislike beer.
It is really soft and plenty of fruit (peach) taste. I am pretty sure you will like it. Believe me!

1 comentario:

Teresa L. Soto dijo...

Hi Marcos.

At a time in my life when I don't have time to sit and enjoy food, the mere thought of drinking that peach liquor makes me happy! Thanks!

I am very superstitious, so I wouldn't drink it, especially because of the connotations it has (I have a baby), but I really appreciate you thinking of me.

I hope I can go back and read more of your posts. Right now, as I said, no time for food, or sleeping, for that matter!

You enjoy!